January 30, 2009
What Really Excites Me
January 29, 2009
Just Giddy. Some Worries
But then there's this quote:
"Their abilities do more damage, their weapons hit harder, they might swing faster, and as they're filling their Berserker rage they're also unlocking more abilities. But that's only good until a certain point. At around fifty percent, they actually start to overextend themselves and while they're still doing more damage they become much easier to kill. They start taking more damage and their defense start going down."
Considering all of the players that are annoyed about Bright Wizards and Sorcerers doing damage to themselves I'm sure that there will automatically be a contingent of forumites (on the new official forums) complaining about how they have to hurt themselves to do damage.
January 28, 2009
A Fight That Wouldn't End.
Have you ever seen, or taken part in a duel between a Zealot and a Rune Priest? It is just awful. High healing, low damage (with no damage spec tree), and limited CCing, there's just no killing potential. I got into one once and it took over five minutes until the Rune Priest just ran into the warcamp, meaning it hadn't actually ended. And it never would have. There are some classes that weren't meant to win one-on-ones, but now I know that there are some classes that were never meant to fight each other, lest they battle until their subscriptions expire.
January 26, 2009
Missing Out. Age of Speculation
This all makes my Nostradamus post look silly now doesn't it?
January 25, 2009
Stategies Part 1. Bulk Yourself Up
Now this rig is going to get hot so proper cooling is a must. Here is another trick of the trade you probably don't know, as I have patented it only yesterday. See you can't just cool your PC from from tubes on the inside, and fans definitely won't take the heat off of your engine. Even more drastic measures will be needed. Wrap up your case in hard plastic and make sure it is sealed tight as you will be submerging it in water. For a proper amount of space a kiddie pool has been reported to be large enough. Everything but your monitor, keyboard and mouse should be underwater. If you were using a laptop I suggest you step up your game and use a real gaming rig.
Now this may be all too much to handle but don't worry! The how-to-play portion will be coming soon so stay tooned.
January 22, 2009
The Real Way To Thank A Healer: by Obliterating Them
There was a happening recently. Something to change my views about playing my zealot and making it all seem worthwhile. See I was the only zealot in a full T2 warband (but there were shamans and DoKs). Out of nowhere a squigherder sends me a tell: "Need Obliterator boots?" and a trade window popped up. I asked for how much but he said it was free. Now that is what I call going above and beyond for thanking for a rez.
His reasoning: It was as thanks for rolling a healer. His personal policy is to not charge healers for anything as they should be respected. So hats off to this sguigherder, as he knows not to blame the healer.
Also, I'd managed to get a gold bag in one keep take so all's I need are the gloves from a vendor and 2 levels and I've got the Obliterator set. Though a 2 level bonus to scourge is a shitty deal, as I haven't used that skill for about 10 levels.
Can you believe this is the first image result for "Obliterator"?
A Blog Gets Noticed. Take His Bait
This is how I picture Biel in my mind, due entirely to his last name.
I Love A Challenge.
Above: Success
Dire Signs. A Disclaimer of Lies
- You go to church and are genuinely confused about the priest's lack of a hammer. You then call him a wuss and leave to follow a "real priest".
- In a group project your boss/teacher says that everyone has to pitch in. You tell them that contribution is broken anyway and it doesn't matter how much work you do, the new guy will get all of the credit.
- You watch the Van Helsing movie, and wonder why he never goes stealth.
- You horde black and white food coloring, thinking that you can sell it on eBay for hundreds of dollars.
- You think clock towers gain twelve levels at noon everyday. You then tell it 'gratz'.
- You are immediately opposed to any political campaign promising change as your quest to stop Tzeentch is never ending.
- You happen by a raven in the street and bow to it, asking for gifts.
- You fear to be around all redheads unless a fire extinguisher is within 100 feet.
- You wear all silk clothing, thinking that the set bonus will make you stronger.
- You've considered jumping off of a cliff to get bragging rights.
Disclaimer: None of these examples have happened to me. If you identify with any of these, or know someone that does, I feel for you.
January 21, 2009
A Horrible Person's Lament. Bring Back The Hammer
Nostradamus Is I. Serously, I Expect The Back-Patting
Keep Chaos. I'm Not Sorry
Naked in Altdorf. Dresscode I Can Get Behind
Unless this is a new dress code so that Order can out-sexy the witch-elves. Which is working.
Order Gets No Waaagh! Doesn't Cry About It
Population Balance. Order Just Average Bears?
January 20, 2009
The Introduction. Embracing the Plague
Hello, and welcome to my new blog. I'm jumping onto the Age of Blogging wagon here, but I'd been thinking about it for a while now anyways. I'm going to keep my posts fairly short, sharing my stories experiences and thoughts. You may find that I'm a bit of a screenshot fiend but there's nothing wrong with that.
The name Wide-Eyed newb may require some explanation. It's because, believe it or not (you'll probably believe it) this is my first MMO. I avoided them like the plague until the great hype, and my love of Dawn of War, made me take the WAR plunge. I can now say I have become a follower of Nurgle and won't turn back anytime soon. I also don't think he'll let me. The plague is incurable.